Denise Csaky - The Firefly Moment

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The photo that changed a life

Did you see the stories about Geoffrey Owens this week? 

Formerly an actor on the Cosby Show, a shopper recently recognized Geoffrey working at Trader Joe's, took some photos and posted them online.

A couple of media outlets then shared these candid pics alongside his professional headshot from 20-plus years ago, and threw in some belittling headlines.

Yes, there were some people who joined in on the teasing.

However the overwhelming majority of folks were not only supportive, but in admiration of Geoffrey for doing what it takes to live his dream and take care of his family.

During this media storm, Geoffrey was interviewed by Good Morning America—all while proudly wearing his Trader Joe's name badge, I might add.

Immediately after the interview, actor/producer/filmmaker, Tyler Perry tweeted this:

Now are you ready for a happy ending? It's a go! Geoffrey is flying to Atlanta next week to begin shooting.

In case you're wondering why I'm sharing this with you today... 

  • It's to inspire you

  • To show you that even really successful people do what they need to to keep following their dream (It's apparently common practice to take side-jobs in order to support yourself as an actor)

  • That you're never too old to live your passion (Geoffrey is 57) 

  • That there is no shame in doing flexible work to keep your dream alive and make ends meet

  • And finally, as Geoffrey said during his GMA interview:

“This business of me being the ‘Cosby guy’ who got shamed for working at Trader Joe’s...that’s going to pass.

I hope what doesn’t pass is this rethinking about what it means to work. The honor of the working person and the dignity of work.

There’s no job that’s better than another job. Every job is worthwhile and valuable.”

I'm curious...

  • Do you ever feel like you're too old to go after what you really want?

  • Are you afraid of the financial consequences of starting something new?

  • What are the excuses you give yourself for not doing what makes your heart sing?

I hope Geoffrey's story inspired you, as much as it did me.