3 tips for starting your career transition today
If you've been toying with the idea of being a part of the so-called "Great Resignation", you're not alone.
According to a Microsoft survey, 40% of the global workforce is considering leaving their jobs this year.
And per a Prudential survey, 53% would take a job in a new industry altogether.
Some people know EXACTLY what they want their next career to look like and are ready to pull the trigger right away.
And then there are others who'd LOVE to do fulfilling work they're passionate about, but don't know how to even begin to make this change.
If there's one thing I've learned from talking to women in this situation, it's that most believe that shifting into a new field means that they have to go STRAIGHT from their current job and DIRECTLY into their new role.
But this thought feels overwhelming, right? I feel exhausted just thinking about navigating this kind of situation!
And honestly, this belief is what kept me stuck in unhappy work situations many years ago, when I'd dream of doing something new, but had NO idea how I could make that happen. So instead, I'd grin and bear it at jobs well beyond their expiration date, feeling trapped, anxious and exhausted.
The truth is that making a career transition is absolutely possible AND it usually takes some time as you explore what you’d love to be doing instead.
Want to hear more about this?
Here are 3 tips for an easy, fun and & low-pressure way to get started:
1 - Notice what makes you feel curious and excited. Then LET yourself explore it. Take whatever action you’re feeling called to - this might look like having a virtual coffee with someone, taking a class, watching a video...whatever sounds interesting and gives you more information about your thing.
2 - As you do this, you’ll be learning new things, meeting new people and coming up with new ideas. It’s like following a path - as you continue to walk it, you see different things and your perspective changes from where it was 5 minutes ago.
3 - After you finish your first action, pay attention to what’s grabbing your interest now from your new vantage point. What is the next step you need to take? Once you know what it is, do it!
Then, rinse and repeat.
As you follow this process, you’ll either start getting more enthusiastic about your thing and want to keep moving forward, or you’ll lose interest and want to check out something else. Either scenario is a win that gives you clarity and builds momentum.
When you stay open to what feels right and TAKE ACTION on it, you’ll get into a flow and be surprised by the new opportunities and experiences that come your way! Let me know how it goes.