Reclaim your passion for work

Over the last year, we've added a few new phrases to our vocabulary.

First we learned about “social distancing”.

Then we talked about “flattening the curve”.

And we spent time “sheltering in place.”

These phrases have become so commonplace that as I’m typing them, they’re appearing in my Google doc before I even finish!

Last week, I was introduced to a new phrase to add to my Covid lexicon.

It’s called “shelter-in-job.”

In case you haven’t heard of this yet, it refers to people who are choosing to grin and bear it in their current role for a year or so until things become more “normal” again.

The same LinkedIn study that revealed this phenomenon also shared that 63% of job seekers are currently willing to take the leap and switch job functions or even industries.

And 51% searchers are open to going out on their own.

What this says to me is that some people are so exhausted from all the chaos of this past year, that they just want SOME kind of consistency and stability in their lives.

Others are perhaps so tired of the pandemic that taking action to create something new feels empowering.

The thing is that there’s no right or wrong answer. There’s more than one way to fall in love with your work again.

It could look like leaving your current job by first getting clear on what you’d LOVE to do, and then creating your exit strategy.

Or it could mean staying where you are for a while, and better managing your situation by changing the way you communicate with your boss, asking for a raise or learning how to create more work-life balance.

Whichever camp you’re in, I’d suggest that the key to job happiness is in designing a career around your passion, purpose and values. And this is done by first SEEING what you need in order to GIVE it to yourself.

To support you in this, I’d like to invite you to a complimentary 20-minute Career Values Consult with me.

In this powerful conversation, we’ll identify your core values, where those values are misaligned with your current job, and the proactive steps you can take to reclaim your passion and inspiration with your work.

It’ll help you get CLEAR on what gives you fulfillment and joy so that you can CREATE it, whether that’s in your current role or elsewhere.

Sign up for your session here.

Let’s reclaim your work passion together!

Denise Csaky, PCC