Take care of the future, by taking care of the present

Do you have a dream? Maybe it’s to open a bakery. Or to run the Boston Marathon. Or to write a book.

Whatever it is, I’m guessing that in your heart of hearts, you wish for something.

Having a dream for the future is just a fantasy, until you start taking action toward making it happen.

Personally, I love the ocean so, so much. When I’m at the beach, I feel so calm and like everything is right in my world.

For years, I used to think about how amazing it would be to live somewhere warm and on the coast. But for some reason, I didn’t think it was possible for me until my golden years.

Then a few years ago, I busted myself. Why did I believe that this was true? Plenty of people live in warm beachy places. People of all ages!

I then started visiting different towns, found the one that really resonated with me, and made the changes I needed to in order to relocate.

Now, I live in San Diego, and love being here so much. It feels so right as if I had created this space from scratch, just for me. Now, I can’t imagine what on earth I was waiting for!

What do you REALLY want? And what’s standing in the way of you creating it? We take care of the future best by taking care of the present, now.

If you’re feeling stuck, click here to schedule a consult with me, designed to help you see what’s holding you back and get you moving forward.

Denise Csaky, PCC