Personal Energy Session

Ready to find out what's REALLY holding you back from creating the life you want?


Does this sound familiar:

  • Your day-to-day feels like a combination of putting out fires and robotically checking items off an endless to-do list.

  • Being in flow takes a LOT of effort.

  • Your emotional states waver between feeling frustrated, anxious and stressed.

  • Sometimes you feel jealous of others’ lives in comparison to your ho-hum existence.

  • You know there's more out there for you and don't want life to pass by without ever discovering what else is possible.

Your energy (or level of consciousness) plays a huge part in everything from the choices you make, the ease of your relationships and the amount of stress and happiness you experience. In short, it greatly impacts your overall life satisfaction. 


The good news is that the way you use your energy is not set in stone.


There’s a deliberate method you can learn for turning your life into one that you love.

An Energy Session teaches you how to do this. 



Energy Sessions are based on an assessment called the Energy Leadership Index (or ELI).

The ELI clearly paints a picture of how you currently think, feel and act in your life, both in everyday and challenging situations. Once you’re aware of how you typically show up, you can intentionally decide to choose a new perspective, and a more positive response.


Having this skill:

  • Boosts your mental, emotional and physical well-being

  • Helps relationships and communication to improve

  • Lets you feel a greater sense of purpose, more motivation and inspiration

  • Supports you in getting more done with much less effort and stress

  • Creates awareness of healthier and more productive choices

  • Generates peace, joy, passion, intuition, creativity and flow


What you can expect in an Energy Session



You’ll take the ELI on your own time. I’ll then receive and analyze your results.


We’ll have a personalized two-hour debrief. You’ll get an understanding of the Seven Levels of Energy* and how each one plays out in your own life, both in normal and stressful times. We'll also create some clear action steps you can take immediately to feel empowered, free and unstuck.


You receive the recording of your session and the ELI Cheat Sheet, so that you can really integrate this information. This knowledge becomes a tool that helps you create your best possible outcomes as you move through life.


*As defined by Bruce D. Schneider


Are you a numbers person?

An independent research study shows that:

  • After coaching based on the ELI, clients were more able to recognize and shift fear-based emotions and automatic reactions. This enabled the creation of more constructive, healing, growth-oriented energy, and a shift to higher consciousness in both normal and stressful situations.

  • Out of women who began coaching from a stressful energetic state, 74.8% raised their average energy level to a calm and open level.

  • 58.7% of clients experienced a significant increase in overall satisfaction in all areas of their lives.



shift your energy and be the leader of your life.

Get ready to change the way your life looks and feels!