Denise Csaky - The Firefly Moment

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How to beat fear

This week, I created a poll asking my community what they’re struggling with most during this COVID crisis. 

“Fear of what’s to come” was the most popular choice. 

You may have heard that most fear is caused by fear of the unknown. Of not knowing what to expect and how you’ll handle it. 

And many times, fear is accompanied by feelings of helplessness. 

A great way to counteract fear, is to take action on something that you DO have control over. This frees you from feeling like a victim and makes you feel empowered! 

The best part is that you only need to focus on THE VERY NEXT STEP. 

Trust that you’ll be able to handle whatever comes your way. Know that you’re not alone. That you can do hard things! And keep doing whatever brings you joy.

Move your body. Meditate. Create some art. Care for others. Go for a drive with the windows down and the music loud! 

Know that the natural flow of life consists of both highs and lows and find peace in the acceptance of that. 

Set a small goal for yourself that you know you can accomplish. And if it feels right, reach out to me for some support. 💗 

No matter what, do something that brings you some lightness this weekend!

Stay well and take care,