Denise Csaky - The Firefly Moment

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Letting go, on New Year's Eve.

For those of you who know me, yes, this is a shot from my favorite TV show, Gilmore Girls.

It's the image I currently have in my head about tonight—New Year's Eve.

2017 has been a bit of a rough year for many of us, myself included. I like planning and making goals, and do have some resolutions for 2018.

But tonight, a friend and I are doing something a little bit different.

We're each going to make a list of all the things from 2017 that we want to let go of. We'll then read them to each other, burn the lists, and then maybe even make a toast to them 😉

In the spirit of releasing the old to make space for the new, what do you want to leave behind in 2017?

Wishing you a safe, magical and JOYFUL new year!