Denise Csaky - The Firefly Moment

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Why did you start?

I was in a yoga class, going through my vinyasas (a continuous and sometimes repetitive sequence of movements). At first, I felt strong! I was totally in the flow.

As class continued, my body started getting tired. It started becoming more challenging to move as accurately and as smoothly through the poses.

Yet, I carried on—looking forward to resting at the end of class, and also enjoying the feeling of pushing myself and strengthening my practice. And as usual, I felt amazing as I walked out the door of the studio!

I started thinking about how often this process happens in life—especially when we start something new.

The first few steps of creating your dream may be easy and fun! This is wonderful because it gets you excited and motivated to keep going. It can also feel like confirmation that you're on the right path.

Then some challenges may pop up. Times when you have to stretch yourself to do something which is not in your wheelhouse and which makes you uncomfortable.

It is precisely in these moments that remembering why you started is so important.

Why do you have a yoga practice? Why did you want to start your own business? Why did you move to this new city? Why did you enter into this relationship?

When coming up against a challenge, envision and FEEL what it will be like when you've accomplished your goal. Really drink that in! Let that give you the fuel to keep going.