You cannot fail at being yourself
To be honest, it hasn't been the smoothest of weeks.
As we all know, life can be tough sometimes! And if you're anything like me, you'll use these moments as ones of self-reflection. When things go awry, I can't help but wonder what my part is in the breakdown. What does this situation say about me and what I cherish? What are my feelings trying to tell me? What are my core values and am I currently aligned with them? What is the lesson in this and how can I use it in the future?
My end goal is to try and do two things. One is to separate the drama of the situation from my own personal truth—who I really am at the deepest level—and use that as my compass. The other is to share this awareness with other people in a kind and clear way that respects every one of us.
But on the path to my destination, I tend to go through a period of questioning myself. Of wondering if I should be, feel and think differently than I do. It was right in the middle of one of these ruminations that I came across this soothing reminder from Wayne Dyer: You cannot fail at being yourself.
What a relief! At a moment when I was feeling like a failure, this thought allowed me to relax into self-acceptance and self-compassion. We all feel and think differently. We can all create different meanings from the same situation. This is not only OK—it's totally normal.
And perhaps most importantly, I came to the recognition that by not allowing myself to be me, I would be betraying myself. And that's something I cannot live with.
Please remember that you cannot fail at being yourself. You are OK. You are beautiful. You are good. I hope this thought brings you some comfort as well.