What stops you from going after your dreams?

What is it that you secretly wish you had? You know...that thing that simultaneously lights you up inside, yet also makes you feel jealous when other people have it?

Maybe you've fantasized about moving to a new town, starting your own business or writing a book (all such exciting and life-changing things!)

I'm guessing that from time-to-time, you have flashes of this dream enter your mind in the form of a picture or a thought, but that you quickly push it aside and carry on with your life as it is now.

You're not alone. A lot of us never give our dreams a chance. Instead, we tell ourselves excuses like: 

  • The timing isn't right.
  • It's impractical!
  • I'll never be able to pull that off...
  • People like me, don't do things like that.

But have you ever been truly honest with yourself about the deeper reason why you've never taken action? In talking to several women about this, I've learned something really interesting:

One of the biggest reasons they haven't gone after what they wanted, is because they've been afraid of disappointing their loved ones.

These same women also reveled that if they were really honest with themselves, this was one of the main reasons they ended up choosing the life they have. Not because it's what they really wanted, but because they subconsciously tried to gain and maintain approval from their family and friends.

Did you just cringe a little bit while reading that? 

Is it because you see yourself in these women and feel uncomfortable admitting it? 

If so, it's OK. I can totally relate.

A lot of us have been conditioned to feel like it's wrong to not do what's expected of us. That listening to our instincts is "bad" and that we might even lose love from those we care about.

As women, it can be hard to say “no.” Personally, the closer I am with someone, the more challenging it can be to do so.

But if you're reading this, I think you may be like me.

You've realized that you can only put yourself aside for so long, before you start experiencing negative consequences. You're seeing that you'll never feel at peace until you give your dreams a real chance. That you can no longer keep putting your own needs on the back-burner. (In case you haven't noticed, needs, much like our dreams, don't go away quietly!)


  • What would your life look and feel like if your dream became a reality?
  • What has NOT going after that dream cost you?

Next, I invite you to imagine a situation in which you said "yes" to something you really didn't want to do, but which you went along with in order to not rock the boat.

  • How did you feel as you were doing this activity?
  • How well did you do it?
  • How did it impact your relationship with the asker of said task? 

If this has struck a chord with you, take some time to marinate in these questions, and simply give yourself the freedom to dream without pushing it away. Who knows? It may even inspire you to take one small step toward making it happen!

Denise Csaky, PCC