So much in life is out of our control. With this in mind, putting forth my best effort then releasing my grasp on the outcome, has created SO MUCH freedom and lightness for me.
Read MoreYou can have your excuses, or you can have your success. You can’t have both. But you do get to choose!
Read MoreThe Universe is constantly giving us seemingly minuscule pieces of information, which serve as clues to our heart's desires.
Read MoreIf there’s something holding you back, and it’s within your power to do something about it, then why not handle it? 💗
Read MoreWhen contemplating a change, set your sights on moving toward what DOES feel good, as opposed to moving away from what DOESN’T feel good.
Read MoreBalance is one of my core values. And yet I have to keep coming back and reminding myself to pull back my focus; to let it widen and soften. Who's with me?
Read MoreDid you get swept up in the moment and make some sort of a resolution? And now, the morning after, are you feeling doubt creep in and you're starting to change your mind? As in, "How would I ever be able to make this happen?" As in, you have everything in your life arranged just-so and shifting something could throw things out of whack?
Read More2017 has been a bit of a rough year for many of us, myself included. I like planning and making goals, and do have some resolutions for 2018. But tonight, a friend and I are doing something a little bit different.
Read MoreDo you find yourself furious over something you can't digest? Or have you been feeling really sad and can't seem to pop out of your funk? Take a second and see if the opposite emotion is there, underneath the one you keep experiencing.
Read MoreWe can be so guarded sometimes. And there are certainly times when boundaries are healthy and appropriate. But to create true intimacy and trust, it goes a long way to share what’s really going on inside of you.
Read MoreMay you recognize the peaceful, joyful feelings you're experiencing now, and BOOKMARK THEM to know when something feels right and good for you later, in ALL areas of your life.
Read More'Tis the season to be jolly! But what if you're not? What can we do to get through the holiday season as smoothly as possible? I have some ideas...
Read MoreSetting a goal can be so exciting! You imagine yourself crossing the finish line, and can't wait to bring your dream to life! But then reality sets in...
You see that there's some work to do. How helpful would it be for you to see how it is that you're shooting yourself in the foot, when it comes to creating the life you REALLY want?
Life can be a series of identifying what’s in our best interest, weaving these activities into our lives, letting these habits slip, and then refocusing on them.
Read MoreWhenever your mind gets stuck on something, or you're feeling quite a bit of emotion, be curious as to why.
Read MoreThe right choice, isn't always going to be the easiest choice. Sometimes the the right choice hurts. Sometimes it doesn't make other people happy. But this doesn't necessarily mean that it's the wrong choice.
Read MoreIt's bananas to think that when we keep doing what CLEARLY isn't working, that the same formula will magically produce a different answer. How is it that we get stuck in this kind of pattern, time and time again?
Read MoreSo, I’m curious. What did you think of when you read this? Did you suddenly realize that you need a vacation? Did you fantasize about moving to that city you love? Or did it occur to you that you’re ready for a career change?
Read MoreI think it's safe to say that we're now officially into the holiday season. This can be such a fun and beautiful time. But as a bit of an introvert, I need to be extra conscious about making sure I don't skimp on self-care during this busy time.
Read MoreDOESN'T it feel good when you have something you're working toward? Something your REALLY want?