So, tell me. How are you doing today? While externally, it may seem like not that much is happening right now, there’s actually an AWFUL lot that’s happening to us, internally.
Read MoreYou may have heard that most fear is caused by fear of the unknown. Of not knowing what to expect and how you’ll handle it. And many times, fear is accompanied by feelings of helplessness.
Read MoreHave you ever had the experience of feeling upset about something and then in the heat of the moment, making a decision that you’d later regret?
Read MoreNormally, we have so much on our plates that we can barely pick our heads up and see what else is out there. We don’t have time to do the things we love. Why not use this time to change that?
Read MoreWhether it’s due to work stress, the winter weather or something more personal, if you’re in a funk then this is for you!
Read MoreIt’s so rare for us to pinpoint exactly what we’d like to change, let alone come up with ideas for seeing it through. But since you’re ALREADY in a resolution-setting frame of mind, why not set yourself up for success, right now?
Read MoreIf you feel like you’re surviving but not thriving at work AND don’t recognize yourself in this position, because you KNOW that the image your colleagues have of you, is NOT who you are…I see you.
Read MoreIt can be easy to give our power over to someone else who “knows better” than we do about what’s right for us, and try to force things along their path. How can you know if you’re doing this?
Read MoreExternally, it looked like I had it all. But inside, I was STARVING to do work that gave me deep happiness and a sense-of-purpose.
Read MoreBack in my corporate days, I had a manager, Rob, who was absolutely AMAZING at his job. I knew that I was the “Rob” of something! And I had a deep desire to find it and spend my days doing THAT. But I had NO idea how to go about making that transition.
Read MoreDo you ever look at something someone else has and think that they’re so lucky? This feeling of jealousy can actually be a GOOD thing.
Read MoreThe draining combination of traveling, cooking and being out of your routine can create some tense moments over the holidays. But don’t worry—here’s how to handle 4 stressful situations with ease.
Read MoreIt’s not like I hated every job I’ve had until now. But when you find that special career, it feels TOTALLY different.
Read MoreCall me a weirdo, but here’s a little behind-the-scenes of what I’ll do during a coaching session, when it’s time to deep dive for some serious insight.
Read MoreIt’s so easy to forgo doing something JUST BECAUSE it gives us some pleasure or feeds our soul. But friend, I’m here to tell you why it IS important to add fun to your life…on-the-regular.
Read MoreSharing is caring, right? In honor of Halloween, and since I so care about your happiness, I want to share a little trick of my trade with you.
Read MoreWe all only have a certain amount of time and energy that we can use toward ALL the things we need to get done. So how the heck do you ever manage to finish ANYTHING?
Read MoreIt’s at this moment that something amazing happens. It’s a moment of freedom.
Read MoreSomething inside of me clicked. I realized that I was sick of pushing my desires aside and compromising my life away.
A book with a colorful cover caught my eye, so I picked it up. The subject? Whether or not to stay in your relationship. Hmmm…
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